Queenship studies across the Medieval Mediterranean and Western Europe

The SMM’s new seminar series: The Medieval Mediterranean: Local & Global Perspectives

which is co-organised by: Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo, Esther-Miriam Wagner, Roser Salicrú I Lluch, Anaïs Waag, Alessandro Rizzo, and Jessica Tearney-Pearce

was launched on 15 December 2020.

The first seminar: Queenship studies across the Medieval Mediterranean and Western Europe can be viewed here:

SMM Seminar Series_15Dec_v.3.jpg

SMM Webinar – Transfer, translation, and re-use between faiths: a view from Medieval Iberia

This second webinar in the series organised by the Society for the Medieval Mediterranean in collaboration with the Woolf Institute was held on July 16 2020 and focused on the transfer, re-use and reception of ideas, objects, texts and people across religious boundaries in medieval Iberia.

Throughout the Middle Ages, the Iberian Peninsula was a place of conflict, but also of exchange and collaboration between the Islamic and Christian powers that ruled over those territories. Goods, ideas, texts and people moved across cultural and religious borders, both as spoils of conquest and fruits of trade. Islamic textiles were used in Christian churches, the works of Muslim scholars were translated into Latin in Toledo, whilst the mosques, palaces and structures of Islamic government were re-used by their Christian conquerors. This seminar explores four examples of inter-faith transfer and re-use from Islamic Al-Andalus to the Christian kingdoms of Iberia.

The recording of this webinar is available to view @  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA8E0fWXY6M


Dr. Teresa Witcombe is a Leverhulme Visiting Research Fellow at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) Madrid. She works on the intellectual, cultural and religious history of Castile in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, particularly the movement of ideas and individuals between Muslim and Christian societies. She received her PhD from the University of Exeter in 2019.

Dr. Clara Almagro (PhD University of Granada 2012) is currently a researcher at the Historisches Seminar at Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, where she is the recipient of a DFG funded Research Project.

Dr Esther Dorado-Ladera is an architect and completed her PhD in Theory and History of Architecture at the Barcelona School of Architecture (UPC) in 2015, with a thesis on the symbolic value of geometric ornamentation in medieval Iberian architecture. She currently works as a science-communication specialist.

Dr. Maeve O'Donnell-Morales is currently a Research Associate at The University of Bristol investigating the development of the cults of Hispanic saints in an AHRC disciplinary grant led by Professor Emma Hornby (Music). She completed her PhD on Castilian altar furnishings in 2008 at the Courtauld Institute of Art.

SMM Webinar – Contact, Communication, Collaboration

The SMM inaugural webinar was held on 18 June 2020. A panel comprising some members of the SMM Executive Board discussed how medieval people around the Mediterranean communicated across religious and cultural boundaries. Some of the themes explored include: How did people negotiate different languages and alphabets? How was knowledge disseminated between communities? What can we learn from multilingual correspondence?

The recording of this webinar is now available to view here: https://www.woolf.cam.ac.uk/videos/contact-communication-collaboration